Courageous Conversations on Trust-Based Philanthropy: Nonprofit Sector

This final session will center on how we, as nonprofit professionals, can leverage our positions to advance trust-based philanthropy. We will explore strategies for engaging in meaningful discussions with donors and funders and fostering internal dialogues with colleagues. The goal is to ensure that we consistently incorporate participant voices in all aspects of our work, ultimately leading to more impactful and equitable outcomes. This session…

Organizational Leaders Group

Executive Directors and CEOs wear so many hats! In addition to steering an organization and managing its operations, they also play a pivotal role in raising money. If you lead an organization and fundraising is just one of the many things you do, the Organizational Leaders Group offers a safe space for you to share ideas.  

Strategies and Insights for Success Roundtable Workshops - January Education Session

Join us for an engaging morning of roundtable presentations! Learn, share, and grow with other local fundraising professionals at our January education session.