Grant Writers Interest Group

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Grant Writers Interest Group

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

The Funder Community: A New Perspective

June Educational Luncheon: The Funder Community - A New Perspective, featuring Tony Shields, President and CEO of Wisconsin Philanthropy Network

Grant Writers Interest Group

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Giving USA Milwaukee 2018

Want to know the latest trends in giving and what they mean for your organization? Be among the first to hear expert analysis and local perspectives that will help inform your fundraising strategies and programs.

Why every nonprofit can -- and must -- prioritize planned giving under the new tax law

May Educational Luncheon: No doubt about it, the new tax law is bound to reduce taxpayers’ motivation to itemize their deductions, and this will surely affect their charitable giving.

Grant Writers Interest Group

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Emotional Intelligence: Your Leading Edge

April Educational Luncheon: Want to build more personal (and persuasive) relationships with your donors? Then consider: Emotional Intelligence is twice as significant as IQ and Technical/Functional Skills combined as a predictor of success.

Greater Milwaukee Foundation in a Nutshell

Hosted by the Developing Professionals Special Interest Group: In 1915, a small group of generous and visionary Milwaukee leaders believed in the power of philanthropy to change the lives of people in our community. By creating the then Milwaukee Foundation, they fashioned a way for a permanent pool of charitable resources to be used to address the community’s most pressing issues. More than 100 years later...

Grant Writers Interest Group

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Making a Collective Impact

March Educational Luncheon: Join Katie Pritchard, for a lively discussion on what Collective Impact is and how area funders and organizations are embracing this dynamic approach to solve complex social issues. Discover how you and your organization can move beyond reporting “the numbers” to becoming meaningful partners in addressing our community’s toughest challenges.

Persuasive PowerPoints

Hosted by the Developing Professionals Special Interest Group: If you cringe when you hear the word “PowerPoint,” this is for you.

Grant Writers Interest Group

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Keep Calm and Love Your Donors

February Educational Luncheon: The new tax bill could have great impact on charitable giving. Join us for a session to breakdown what we know about the Tax Reform and Jobs Act of 2017; what our donors expect us to know and how to minimize and maximize the details of the tax law that can impact philanthropy.

Grant Writers Interest Group

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Exploring the Wonderful World of Consultants

January Educational Luncheon: Has your organization utilized consultants for their fundraising activity? Is it an avenue that your considering for future projects? Come learn from a panel of experts who can share their direct experience with selecting and working with consultants, consultants who have supported agencies of various sizes and how funding might be available to help you find the right professional support option.

Grant Writers Interest Group

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

On the Table for Fundraisers

December Educational Luncheon and Annual Meeting: The Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s On the Table events in October started many conversations and brought thousands of people together with a common goal of improving our community. Join us for the Fundraiser version.

2017 National Philanthropy Day

National Philanthropy Day is the special day set aside to recognize and pay tribute to the impact of philanthropy in the world around us. It's a day to honor those people active in the philanthropic community who have made our lives, our communities and our world a better place.

The ABCs of Advancing Your Career

Hosted by the Developing Professionals Special Interest Group: How do you want your career to grow? Once you answer that question, how will you get there?

Managing 360 in a Generationally Diverse Fundraising Environment

October Educational Luncheon: A panel discussion on the topic of Managing 360 in generationally diverse and dynamic fundraising environments. Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and everyone in between.

Getting the Most Out of Your Fundraising Effectiveness Project

FREE Webinar for Members from AFP International

Investing in Major Gifts: Make it a Priority

Member-Only Webinar Watch Party: Join your AFP Southeastern Wisconsin colleagues at a Webinar Watch Party. You will have the opportunity to learn from industry leaders and then discuss how you can apply to your own organizations.

Making the most of community partnerships: expand your prospect pool and find fun, new ways to cultivate donors

September Educational Luncheon: The work of non-profits is reflected in art because life’s successes and challenges are reflected in art. Draw the connection for your donors and prospects with strategic community partnerships.

Grant Writing Essentials

Hosted by the Developing Professionals Special Interest Group: Crafting a strong grant proposal is much more than just a fundraising task.  Grant writing articulates how a non-profit organization fulfills its mission and envisions how it creates and implements solutions to community needs.