Grant Writers Group
Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.
Crafting a Winning Sponsorship! It's easier than you think. March Education Breakfast
Spend time with Stefanie Ahrens, Director of Corporate Engagement at Children's Wisconsin and Ann Stadler, Chief Marketing Officer at the University Wisconsin -Whitewater, as they share the ins and outs of producing winning sponsorships for your next event or program. With more than 45 years of experience in developing, securing and funding sponsorships, these two will share the dos and don'ts of successful sponsorship.
Seasoned Professionals Group
Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.
Grant Writers Group
Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.
Courageous Conversations for Fundraisers: Board Diversification
Board diversification seems like an easy task to do. You simply invite people who don’t look like you, think like you, speak like you, and live like you to join your board, and voila – your board is diversified. Anyone who has tried to diversify their board knows it is not easy. You quickly find out that the people you hope will join your board don’t want to join your homogenous group. Diversification takes time, soul-searching, and difficult…
Emerging Development Leaders Group
The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.
Grant Writers Group
Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.
Seasoned Professionals Group
Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.
Grant Writers Group
Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.
Emerging Development Leaders Group
The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.
Grant Writers Group
Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.
Show Me the Data! Four Steps to Using Data to Share Mission Impact - February Education Luncheon
Many organizations have strong programs and initiatives. The challenge most organizations face is demonstrating the value to their programs as well as their impact. This session will walk every organization through the 4 key steps every organization should take to start capturing and sharing the impact of their organization.
Seasoned Professionals Group
Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.
Grant Writers Group
Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.
Emerging Development Leaders Group
The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.
Grant Writers Group
Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.
Seasoned Professionals Group
Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.
Grant Writers Group
Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.
Emerging Development Leaders Group
The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.
Grant Writers Group
Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.
January Education Session - Round Tables
Ready to kickstart your fundraising efforts and/or career in 2023? Join us for these roundtable table discussions led by industry professionals to help you move forward in the new year.
Seasoned Professionals Group
Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.
Grant Writers Group
Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.
Courageous Conversations for Fundraisers:
Save The Date for this virtual conversation
Emerging Development Leaders Group
The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.