Q: What’s more important than fundraising?

A:  Ethical fundraising

compass with arrow pointing to "trustworthy partner"Join your fundraising colleagues as we celebrate Ethics Awareness Month 2020!  Looking for inspiration, a stimulating new article, or simply to celebrate the cause that is near and dear to your heart? 

Ethics is at the core of all that we do in the world of fundraising. We come together this month (and every month!) to celebrate our commitment to the highest of ethical standards and to the fundraising and philanthropy made possible through this dedication. 

As we explore this topic during the month of October, join us for all that AFP Global has to offer.  From inspirational articles, videos, and a free webinar on October 22: (Ethics, It’s Not Just about the Money) there is something here for everyone. “Virtually” grab a colleague and join in the celebration! 

Explore these helpful resources and be sure to share them with your fellow fundraisers:

Contributed by AFPSEWI member, Beth Maresh, Philanthropic Advisor, Wisconsin Humane Society