Complex Gifts: The Essentials of Gift Agreements - Educational Breakfast
About the Event
This presentation will explore ways for your nonprofit to document complex gifts through gift agreements. Topics to be discussed include the basic elements of any gift agreement, planned gift agreements, agreements concerning naming recognition, and gift agreements for the donation of real and tangible property.
Gift agreements are increasingly useful tools for documenting the terms concerning a donor’s gift to a charity. Come to this interesting session to see when you might need a gift agreement and to learn its essential components. The presenter will provide a gift agreement template and a sample.
Your organization will benefit from your knowledge, particularly when closing complex, multi-purpose, multi-year commitments. These agreements allow a charity to really explore a donor’s intention, and to avoid confusion and misunderstanding for everyone.
Gretchen Miller, JD, has extensive experience creating gift agreements for donors to the UWM Foundation and UWM. She has been employed by the UWM Office for Development & Alumni Relations since 2003. She serves as the Director of Gift Planning and Agreements, working with donors, the UWM Foundation, and all UWM academic units to develop and document donors’ gift intentions, and to facilitate the administration of lifetime and estate gifts. Gretchen Miller holds a BA in English Literature from Swarthmore College, and a JD from the University of Michigan Law School. Prior to her employment with UWM, she practiced law in Wisconsin.
Event Details
7:30 AM Registration, Networking, Breakfast
8:00 AM Announcements/Presentation
9:20 AM Q&A, Closing Remarks
9:30 PM Adjourn
$25 registration fee (Members)
($45 non-members)
Full participation in Complex Gifts: The Essentials of Gift Agreements is applicable for 1.25 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.